Who is SirSkip

Who is Sir Skip

Lord Shu  and Ali speak of their love for family member Sir Skip. We hope you watching fam this a special shout out to you! If you want to be on the show, email @ after5ivelife@gmail.com Join our Discord community here Watch more Lord of Perfected Work here

The power of you: Unleashing your inner strength

The power of you unleashing your inner strength

Lord Shu  and Ali speak about the power in the free market. Change our World and how it operates. If you want to be in the show, email @ after5ivelife@gmail.com Join our Discord community here Watch more Lord of Perfected Work here

The power of conscious consumers: A reflection

The power of conscious consumers a reflection

Lord Shu  and Ali talk about creating conscious consumers as a business owner. If you want to be on the show, email @ after5ivelife@gmail.com Join our Discord community here Watch more Lord of Perfected Work here

Why we fear love and how to overcome it

Why we fear love and how to overcome it

Lord Shu and Ali talk about why its better to experience love and learn from the lessons of loss. If you want to be on the show, email @ after5ivelife@gmail.com Join our Discord community here Watch more Lord of Perfected Work here

Thinktanks for polymath: Building a community of diverse experts

Thinktanks for polymath building a community of diverse experts

Lord Shu  and Ali engage in thinktanks and they want you to be apart of it. Two polymath looking to solve problems in their community and beyond. If you want to be on the show, email @ after5ivelife@gmail.com Join our Discord community here Watch more Lord of Perfected Work here

Steady progress: The journey to success

Steady progress the journey to success

Lord Shu  and Ali talk about making steady progress through your journey to judge where you are in your vision. If you want to be on the show, email @ after5ivelife@gmail.com Join our Discord community here Watch more Lord of Perfected Work here

Perception is real: Unraveling the power of perspective

Perception is real unraveling the power of perspective

Lord Shu  and Ali share the importance of perception and how powerful it can be in staying focused on your vision. If you want to be on the show, email @ after5ivelife@gmail.com Join our Discord community here Watch more Lord of Perfected Work here

Soulshine says: The wisdom of @Soulshine00

Soulshine says the wisdom of Vanna Scroggins

 Lord Shu  shares wise words from  @Soulshine00  If you want to be on the show, email @ after5ivelife@gmail.com Join our Discord community here Watch more Lord of Perfected Work here